Pool Protect Filter Cleaner – 1L


Filter Cleaner keeps your pool water looking clean and clear, cleaning pool filters before they clog or become too dirty is critical. As your pool pump circulates water through the filtration system, particles of dirt and debris get trapped in the filter.


Filter Cleaner keeps your pool water looking clean and clear, cleaning pool filters before they clog or become too dirty is critical. As your pool pump circulates water through the filtration system, particles of dirt and debris get trapped in the filter.

1-Removes Contaminants: Over time, pool filters can accumulate various types of contaminants, including dirt, oils from sunscreen and lotions, minerals, algae, and other organic matter.

2-Restores Filter Efficiency: By removing built-up debris and contaminants, filter cleaner helps restore the efficiency of the pool filter. 

3-Prolongs Filter Life: Regularly cleaning pool filters with a filter cleaner can help prolong their lifespan. When filters are clogged with debris and contaminants, they must work harder to maintain proper filtration, which can lead to increased wear and tear over time.

3-Enhances Water Quality: Clean filters are essential for maintaining optimal water quality in a swimming pool.