Where To Store Pool Chemicals
While most pool owners tend to keep their pool chemicals in the garage, there are better places to store them. You’ll want to find a cool, dry place away from sunlight with good ventilation to keep your chemicals. If you don’t have an area like this, placing your chemicals in storage bins or a cabinet may be your best bet. Again make sure you have some ventilation in the area. While it might seem common sense, it’s also important to keep pool chemicals away from food surfaces, like counters, tables, stoves, BBQs, and smokers.
Note: These are just some best practices. Always read the labels on your chemical products and follow the storage instructions listed.
Separate Your Pool Chemicals By Type
If pool & spa chemicals mix, they can cause chemical reactions that can cause significant health risks. Avoid storing your chlorine and cleaning solutions in the same place. As these cleaners often contain vinegar or ammonia. If you are using storage containers, we recommend getting multiple so you can store different chemicals in different containers.
Tip: We recommend wearing PPE when handling pool chemicals. Goggles, gloves, and a mask will help prevent breathing in gasses or exposing your skin to burns.
Keep The Orginal Containers
Don’t switch out the packages you use to store your pool chemicals. The bottles and containers that they are sold in. It’s also best practice not to reuse containers after they’re emptied. It’s better to dispose of the bottles/containers safely.
TIP: Always close the caps and lids completely on all chemical containers before returning them to storage to prevent accidental spills.
Keep them away from children and pets.
Pool chemicals are poisonous when ingested or inhaled and should be kept in an area that children and pets don’t have access to. If you think someone has accidentally been poisoned, call your local Poison Centre.